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              ၿဗိတိန္ႏုိင္ငံမွာ vampire တစ္သိန္းခြဲေက်ာ္ ရိွတဲ့အထဲက အခုေျပာျပမယ့္ စံုတြဲကေတာ့ တစ္ေယာက္ရဲ႕ ေသြးကုိ
တစ္ေယာက္ေသာက္ၿပီး ခ်စ္ခ်စ္ခင္ခင္ ေနထုိင္ေနၾကတဲ့ တကယ့္ လက္ေတြ႔ဘ၀ထဲက vampire စံုတြဲပဲ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

          Walesၾ ပည္နယ္ ေတာင္ပုိင္းမွာ ေနထုိင္ၾကတဲ့ Pyretta Blaze နဲ႔ Andy Filth တုိ႔ဟာ
လက္ထပ္ထိမ္းျမားခဲ့ၿပီး သူတုိ႔ရဲ႕ အိပ္ခန္းအတြင္းမွာ တစ္ေယာက္ရဲ႕ ေသြးကုိ တစ္ေယာက္ေသာက္ၿပီး
လင္မယားကိစၥပါ ၿပီးေျမာက္ၾကတယ္လုိ႔ ေျပာပါတယ္။ သူတုိ႔ဟာ အဲဒီအေလ့အထကုိ ႏွစ္သက္ၾကၿပီး ဒါဟာ
ပုိေကာင္းမြန္တဲ့ ဆက္ဆံေရးကုိ ဖန္တီးေပးတယ္လုိ႔ ဆုိပါေသးတယ္။

                  အရင္ကေတာ့ Pyretta ဟာ ခင္ပြန္းျဖစ္သူ Andy နဲ႔ မေတြ႔ခင္အထိ vampire ေတြရဲ႕ ေတြ႔ဆံုပြဲကုိ
သြားေလ့ရိွၿပီး အဲဒီမွာေတာ့ အခ်င္းခ်င္း ေသြးလဲၾကတယ္လုိ႔ ေျပာပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ အခုေတာ့ အဲဒါေတြ
မလုိေတာ့ဘဲ သူမရဲ႕ ခင္ပြန္းျဖစ္သူနဲ႔ အခ်င္းခ်င္း ေသြးဖလွယ္ၾကၿပီး ဒါဟာ
ေၾကာက္စရာမေကာင္းပါဘူးလုိ႔ လူငယ္ vampire ေတြကုိ သူမက ေျပာပါတယ္။
                   ဒါဟာ အႏၲရာယ္မ်ားတယ္ဆုိတာ သိေပမယ့္လည္း သူမတုိ႔ ကေတာ့ အခ်င္းခ်င္း ေသြးေသာက္ရတာ ႀကိဳက္တဲ့ အတြက္
ဘယ္လုိမွ ဒီအေလ့အထကုိ ျဖတ္ပစ္ဖုိ႔ မလြယ္ဘူးလုိ႔လဲ ေျပာပါတယ္။ သူမတုိ႔ အိမ္ေထာင္ေရးဟာ သာယာရံုမကဘဲ
က်န္းမာတဲ့ ေနထုိင္မႈလည္း ရိွတယ္လုိ႔ ဆုိပါတယ္။

vampire     ေသြးစုပ္ဖုတ္ေကာင္။

Real-life vampires: Meet the couple who drink each other's blood - and say we should ALL be much more open-minded about their ghoulish lifestyle
Married with a child, Pyretta Blaze and Andy Filth (not their real names) from South Wales, say they're just like any other couple, apart from one slight difference -- they like to drink each other's blood.

Andy and Pyretta, who appeared on This Morning to encourage more open-mindedness for their lifestyle, are part of the UK's 15,000 strong vampire community.

Self-confessed vampire Andy, likened the act of slurping his partners blood to sex and said, 'When you're drinking each others blood you're connected to each others souls.'

He said the taste didn't make him feel sick but admitted, 'It's not like strawberries -- it's got a metallic taste.'
Nowadays the couple satisfy their blood cravings in the privacy of their own bedroom, but in their single days they would go out on the prowl, like any other youngsters.

'I used to go to gatherings where the exchange of blood would happen,' explained Pyretta, who was keen to point out that it was safe and nothing for the public to be scared about.
 She assured viewers that they don't lurk around in the dark and only drink blood in the confines of the vampire community.

'Everyone is completely vetted to check they have no mental health history and have a clean blood record,' she said. 'Everyone has a full examination - mentally and physically.'

'You pick one partner you're totally happy with and it's very safe, clean and sterile.'

When Philip then inquired if it was form of sex, she replied, 'Yes, of course!

'We are very health conscious - as you would be when having sex. We are very responsible,' she added.
But one thing that really gets Pyretta's blood boiling is Hollywood's portrayal of vampires.

'It really makes me mad!' she said. 'People are so misled and easily influenced by things in Hollywood.
'I can look into the mirror and do my hair!' she said referring to the myth that if vampires look at their own reflection the mirror cracks.

So what actually goes on behind vampires' bedroom doors? 'You can have a ceremonial pin to draw blood,' Andy explained. 'You don't need a lot, just a small dab.'

'I do it from my neck just behind me ear,' he said revealing a tattoo of a vampire bite on the side of his neck. 'And we do try to use same spot every time.'

'It's not cut deep enough to scar. It's not self harm,' Pyretta was quick to add.
Pyretta blames Hollywood for the misunderstanding surrounding vampires' scary image (as depicted above)

Pyretta blames Hollywood for the misunderstanding surrounding vampires' scary image (as depicted above)

'The amount of blood you drawer depends on what you eat and drink because that affects blood flow,' he explained.

'But we use whatever comes out -- I wouldn't keep cutting,' he said.

Of course, their hobby comes with a health warning and they admitted it's 'enormously dangerous'.'It can't just be done because you feel like it. You have to know what you're doing,' said Andy.

'It's our spiritual connection to each other. We have a child, which makes us as close as we can be. But the next step is to be joined by our souls.

But Andy swears his love for Pyretta trumps his vampire lifestyle. 'If one of us wanted to stop, it wouldn't be over,' he said.

'I see it as bonus. It's something we're both into and a big part of our life. But if it was to go away we wouldn't need to find someone else.

Also on the programme was psychologist, Dr Emyr Williams, who has been studying the vampires for ten years.

'It's a religion,' he explained. 'It's taken me 6 years to get the trust of the community so I can begin my research. It was very difficult because they are often mocked as society doesn't understand them.

'I've found out that these are normal people. They may need to consume blood and psychic energy - but they may not actually like that about themselves.'


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